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The Barbell Rehab Workshop - ACE 06 CEC / NASM 0.9 CEU (中文字幕)
Barbell Rehab Workshop Online Course
Module 1: Principles of Training and Rehab - Introduction (17:22)
Module 1: Principles of Training and Rehab - 4 Step Framework For Training With Pain (35:35)
Module 1: Principles of Training and Rehab - Passive Therapies (6:05)
Module 2: Training and Modifying the Squat - Squat Lecture (68:32)
Module 2: Training and Modifying the Squat - Squat Lab: Demonstrations of Concept (18:58)
Module 3: Optimizing the Bench Press for Health and Performance - Bench Press Lecture (36:28)
Module 3: Optimizing the Bench Press for Health and Performance - Bench Press Lab: Breaking It Down (10:52)
Module 4: Deadlift Form, Variations, and Common Issues - Deadlift Lecture (58:45)
Module 4: Deadlift Form, Variations, and Common Issues - Deadlift Lab: Common Issues and Solutions (12:48)
Module 5: Overhead Lifting and Shoulder Health - Basic Principles of the Shoulder: Mobility vs Stability (34:26)
Module 5: Overhead Lifting and Shoulder Health - Coaching and Modifying the Overhead Press (24:37)
Conclusion and Your Next Steps (1:25)
Online Quiz
Module 1: Principles of Training and Rehab - 4 Step Framework For Training With Pain
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